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Engine/transmission management parts


NEW: Body height sensor + nylon rod

Waterproof body height sensor completely redesigned by ATD PERFORMANCE, for all PEUGEOT 405 4x4 (SR/GR x4, Mi16 x4, T16)

Microprocessor electronics, contactless position sensor. Nylon biellette included.

Key points:

  • Advanced computer development in order to reproduce, make reliable and improve (*) the response of the sensor

  • Special design effort on the socket to ensure perfect compatibility with the original beam plug and improve the connection.
long contacts GOLD PLATE with spring effect, for a flawless connection (origin: short chrome contacts, without spring effect).

  • Electronics embedded in resin, essential for excellent and durable resistance to vibrations

Full compatibility, or improved:

Compatibility of dimensions housing, connection socket, control lever and its ball head

Logic: behavior consistent with that of the original sensor, some points differ voluntarily in order to improve (*)

Electric: consumption reduced to less than 1 mA, against 3 mA on the first versions of sensors (equivalent consumption for the most recent sensors), for more battery life on dormant vehicle

Moisture/dust protection
Sealing ensured by a tight fit and by several O-rings: housing, lever, sensor; any stainless steel screws

(*)  Operating logic of the original sensor and changes made:

The sensor is responsible for activating the hydraulic pump and the discharge solenoid valve to, respectively, raise and lower the rear axle of the vehicle to a reference attitude. This attitude can be adjusted by two settings: at the level of the lever itself, or at the position of the control rod on the stabilizer bar.

When the sensor detects a stable low position (resp. high) for 10s, it activates the hydraulic pump (resp. the discharge solenoid valve) via the control relays (present on the left in the trunk, in front of the hydraulic tank). The activation of the actuators is delayed as long as the ride height is detected unstable.

If the stability delay is reached, the sensor activates the pump or solenoid valve to adjust the attitude for a maximum of 5 minutes.
The sensor goes to sleep if the maximum delay is reached without detecting a correct adjustment of the ride height.

This duration of action of 5 minutes seems to me from unnecessarily long experience (discharge of the battery, fatigue / heating of the actuators), so it is split and reduced to:
  • maximum pump activation time: 2 min
  • maximum activation time of the discharge solenoid valve: 30 s

When these deadlines are reached, the logic of the behaviour remains consistent with that of origin; that is:

  • if the climb is not detected in time, an internal signal of failure action pump is generated, the sensor will wait for a manual/forced ascent of the train, or a switching of the ignition key, from or to the Accessories/Contact position, to resume normal management.

  • if the descent is not detected in time; an internal signal of failure solenoid valve action is generated, the sensor will resume normal management under the same conditions as above.

Special case of lifting the vehicle on a two-column deck (or the rear axle alone): the behavior is intended to be standard.
A lifting of the vehicle by the body, or of the rear axle alone, will be equivalent to a forced descent of the rear axle which will give the sensor a raised vehicle information; it will therefore activate the discharge solenoid valve; the delay exceeded, an internal signal of descent failure will be generated and the solenoid valve stopped.


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